Welcome to Lee Compost

Online Tree Health Guide

At Lee Compost, we’re passionate about trees and dedicated to providing you with a comprehensive online resource for tree health, care, and maintenance.

Who We Are


Whether you’re a seasoned arborist or a tree enthusiast looking to nurture your green companions, you’ve come to the right place.

Nurturing Trees
Tree Pruning

What We Offer

Our website is a treasure trove of in-depth articles, guides, and expert insights covering a wide range of topics, from tree planting and soil health to disease management and pruning techniques.

Tree Care Tips

Discover practical tips and step-by-step instructions on how to care for your trees, maintain their health, and address common issues.

Tree Identification

Learn how to identify different tree species and understand their unique characteristics, growth patterns, and care requirements.

Pest and Disease Control

Find resources to help you recognize and address common tree pests and diseases effectively, safeguarding your trees from potential threats.

Arborist Directory

Looking for a certified arborist Sydney for a specific task? Explore our directory to connect with experienced professionals in your area.

Preventative Tree Lopping

Adventure into the World of Tree Care

Whether you’re a homeowner with a backyard tree or an arborist in the making, Lee Compost is your trusted companion. Together, let’s nurture, protect, and celebrate the beauty and importance of trees.

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The Importance of Tree Health

Healthy trees are more than just beautiful; they play a critical role in our ecosystem. They provide shade, purify the air, and support wildlife. Trees also add aesthetic value to our surroundings and contribute to a sense of tranquility in our lives. That’s why it’s crucial to ensure their well-being.

Our Customers Feedback

Trees health infographic